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Coming Events:
Marriage Matters Conference
Hershey, Pennsylvania
February 7-8, 2025
Sharper Iron Youth Rally
Timber Ridge Bible Camp
April 11-12, 2025
5901 Wilton Road
Alexandria, VA 22310
(703) 960-8500
As a church, we believe that our future, along with the future of this country lies with the youth. It is our goal that we raise our teens to be Christ-honoring young people that have a personal, experiential knowledge of the power of God in their lives. In order to achieve this, we go on many youth activities to get our youth away from the world and under the preaching of the Word of God.
Each activity has the goal of introducing teens to fun, wholesome activities that help build bonds with each 0ther and their leaders. These activities help breakdown barriers and give an example of proper entertainment, all the while preparing each individual’s heart to hear the message of the Word of God.
We have activities for everyone! Late-Nighters, Putt-putt, Ski trips, white water rafting, corn mazes, and regular Friday youth activities! So many you will just have to visit to find out more.
Would you consider attending one of our activities? We pray that you would visit with us and see what our youth group has to offer.