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I would like to share a little about the value of reading God’s Word. Perhaps you have found the Bible hard to read. Maybe the Bible has seemed so big and you haven’t even known where to start. I can tell you though, that as you start to read the Bible, you will be amazed at how quickly you learn new things. Many people have been so encouraged to notice that the Bible often times speaks to them about the very situations they are going through in their lives at a particular time.
The Bible is God’s message to mankind. (See 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). If you read a chapter or two a day and ask God for help, then you can count on the fact that you will grow and learn more. The Bible is so full of wisdom that even those who have studied it for 60 years or more are still learning! No matter if it is your first time to read a book from the Bible or your 20th time you can still grow.
Let me share a few of the wonderful things the Bible does for us.
- The Bible shows us how much God loves us. Because of his love Jesus came and died for us and rose again. His death and resurrection have made a way for humans to receive forgiveness and eternal life in heaven.
- The Bible guides us in how to live our lives here on earth.
Let me challenge you to start with the New Testament (NT) book of Matthew and read at least a chapter each day. Once you get through the 28 chapters of Matthew go on to Mark. There you will read some of the same stories about Jesus from a different author. After you read Mark continue on through the NT. Once you finish the NT it would be a great idea to start at the beginning (the book of Genesis) and read through the whole Bible.
As you read the Bible you may want to ask yourself these questions.
- What did the verses I read mean to those who originally read it?
- How might the verses apply to my life today? (What might God be challenging me to do differently)
I hope that you start reading the Bible regularly. You will be so glad you did.