We are delighted to have you visit our church website and it is a privilege to introduce to you the ministries of our church. Although I believe you will be able to tell a great deal about us simply by browsing though our web-page, let me assure you upon your visit to our church that you will find we are a church family that loves people and desires to follow the “Old Paths.”
As with any church, we are not a congregation of "perfect" Christians assembling on a weekly basis, but a congregation that struggles with the same issues found everywhere as we strive to grow closer to God. Here at Lighthouse, you will find the tried and true hymns of the faith, the preaching of the King James Bible, a soul-winning focus and an exciting group of people wanting to worship our
Lord. We make no apology for strong preaching, sound doctrine, and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.
It certainly is my privilege to serve as the pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church in the shadow of our Nation's Capital. My heart-felt prayer is for people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and become actively involved in a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church that cares for them. If you are in the area, come visit and share together the worshipping and serving our Lord and Saviour.
Philip J. Bishop, Pastor
Psalm 118:8